Understanding the ROI of your brand photos

You’ve started this business and you’re carefully watching where every penny goes.  I get it, starting a business and relying on it to put food on your table is a stressful thing.  It’s easy to fall into the latest and greatest trends, but is brand photography a trend?  Nope.

Website designer brand photos


Can I guarantee you that you will double your revenue just by having brand photos taken?  Also nope.  That depends on how you use them and if you have your other marketing pieces in place.  I will tell you what custom photography (or better known as brand photography) does for your business: 

  • Creates brand awareness and recognition.  Begin using photos that are consistent and clearly showcase who you are and what you do, you will begin to be known for your business.

  • Professional photos elevate the perception of your business and help to mark you as an expert in your field building credibility and trust.

  • More connection.  Brand photography that tells your specific story can build the connection between you and your ideal clients

  •       Visually appealing.  With high quality images that are visually appealing you significantly increase your engagement on social media.

While it is difficult to give you an exact number for the ROI of your brand photos, think of it this way,  would gaining more connection and brand awareness bring you new clients this year?  The answer is always yes! Stay clear on what you offer and who you serve and market it!  Don’t wait for them to flock to you, they may not know YOU are exactly what they need in their lives!

“People buy from people they trust, and they trust people they like.”

Garrison Wynn


Get camera confident for your brand photos.


The Top 5 Business Photos Needed