Why is Content important?

We’ve talked about what content is, now let’s chat about why it’s important in your business and every other freaking business out there.

We are currently living in this world where we have a plethora of options right at our fingertips.  This is a fabulous thing…..most of the time!  If you are the business owner trying to capture the attention of said customers it can be a daunting feeling to make sure you stand out and are the one “chosen”. 

First, let’s get out of that mindset.  Feeling like you need to be chosen by your community is starting with a negative connotation.  Begin by asking yourself how can you help your community?  And by community, I mean your ideal clients.    Can you give them your knowledge? Can you give them resources? 

If you are just starting out and do not yet have a large community you may feel like you are putting content out there to only hear crickets in response.  That’s ok.  This will resonate with someone.  Your business is the long game not a sprint to the finish line.  Sharing the content that truly excites you about your industry and the tips that helped you or you believe will help others, they will notice and stick around to see what else you are up to.   You are building relationships and that “know, like & trust factor” you may have heard about.  

Simply posting and ghosting, whether it’s your blog, social media or email marketing is never a good idea.  Be social, respond to comments and comment on other’s content too. 

To sum it up, content is a tool to build the community you want to surround yourself with.  Be yourself, have fun and always serve first! 

Talk to you soon!


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What is Content?